Sunday, May 01, 2005


A couple of thoughts. And then some. You know me. Value for a title.

Soundtrack: 'Hot Fuss' by the Killers. Not a great album, but I heard 'Smile Like You Mean It' on Popworld this morning and just felt like listening to the whole thing.

Good arvo this arvo.

So anyway:
  1. I can't believe I actually watched the whole of 'The Fellowship Of The Ring' last night. I was fine for the first hour, got a bit impatient in the second hour, and couldn't wait for it to finish at every point after that. Thank goodness it was on Channel 4, because of a) ad breaks and b) Bamboozle on page 140 of Teletext during the ad breaks.
  2. Alex Kapranos' blog on is bloody amazing and I'll never be able to compete with it.
I suppose I'd better finish tidying my desk and start packing before that double bill of Star Trek Enterprise later this afternoon. Hmm. I only seem to use the Internet when I'm putting off doing stuff. Or doing important things, like booking a hotel in Hong Kong or buying the new Tom McRae album.

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