Wednesday, May 11, 2005


The dark of the matinee

Soundtrack: 'Matinee (Single)' by Franz Ferdinand

Good evening this evening.

This morning, I went to do some shopping in Chinatown, because we had dinner there the other night, and I saw the most wonderful Kaiser Chiefs-green duffel coat (if you've seen my Chiefette t-shirt, you'll know what I mean. I wore it to WSYO, and I only realised how green it was when my bass turned green, and Ali's bass turned green, and the French horns turned green etc etc). Therefore, I went back today to get it. Unfortunately, I turned up to the shops at 11.30am, which is far far far too early for people in Melbourne. Less than half the shops were open, so I had to bum around for a bit before I could go and get my coat. I need a new coat, because my big thick winter coat is the exact same purple as the wheelie bins in Liverpool. As I'm not much taller than a wheelie bin and don't move much better than one, I figured that it would probably be a good idea not to where my lovely purple coat to avoid severe mockery. Hell, if it was somebody else, I'd definitely make fun of them.

In the afternoon, to get over shops (because I always need to get over shops, even if I'm pleased with my purchases), I went to the Australian Centre for the Moving Image, which claims to have the largest movie theatre hall (or something like that) in the world. Victorians are big into one-upmanship, for sure. But dissing Victorians aside, the big movie theatre hall-place is very very cool indeed. The hall is this vast underground cavern, and it's as dark as dark can be so that the images projected onto the myriad screens around the room aren't disturbed. This season's exhibition is all about how nothing ever stands still, so there was this one film that was projected onto five screens arranged in a circle, with the same day repeated five times over but in five different ways. You sit on a bench in the middle of the circle, and you can see all this time-lapse photography going on around you, your head surrounded by atmostpheric sound-effects, and the overall effect is awe-inspiring.

The best bit was just plain walking through the hall and being surrounded by projection screens, miscellaneous weird noises from soundtracks permeating the space. I felt as if I was in the song: "You'll find me in the matinee/The dark of the matinee/It's better in the matinee/The dark of the matinee is mine/Yes, it's mine."

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