Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Double take

Soundtrack: "Porcupine" by Echo and the Bunnymen

Good evening this evening.

I just read Alex's comment to yesterday's post properly. May I just point out that I am both a scientist, and I have very strong faith, so it's possible. It's not really a contradiction in terms. Yes, science is all about questioning, discovering, and religion is all about belief in mystery, but I can cope with that. Like my Catholic physics teacher said, there must have been something to cause an imbalance in matter and antimatter at the creation of the Universe, so why not God?

I went into Adelaide properly today. My first stop was obviously the Adelaide Oval. No charges applied there - I just walked straight in and started having a conversation with some footie commentator from the ABC. It really is a rather lovely ground - it's close to the city centre, but manages to be surrounded by parkland, and you can hear the evil birdies singing constantly. The east stand is like the ones with the tenty things at Lord's and the Rose Bowl, and the west stand just has park benches for seats. Plus there's seating on the grass. One crazy ground, and therefore, completely suited to Test cricket.

After that, I decided to take a trip to the South Australian parliamentary building. It's a funny old place. They started building it in 1889, and it was all going to be very grand. Then they ran out of money, so they had to cut out most of the fancy design (there was going to be a big tower etc etc), and the rest of the thing didn't get built until 1939. The first half is all in the classical style, the second half is all art deco, and you can really tell the difference.

Compared to Melbourne, Adelaide is a much prettier little city. Melbourne is very metropolitan, whereas Adelaide is very verdant - there are trees everywhere that it is possible to have trees. You can actually see the sky here, because the place isn't full of towering buildings. And it's warmer. Melbourne was cold at times, whereas it always seems to be warm here. People keep on telling me that it should be cold and rainy at the moment, but it isn't, so I suppose they'll keep on telling me that until it is. Huh.

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