Thursday, May 19, 2005
The Dreaming
Soundtrack: "Thing To Make And Do" by Moloko
Good evening this evening.
I went to the South Australian Musuem today, and predictably, they claimed to have the oldest of something-or-other, I think it was some Pacific artifact or similar. The "Pacific Cultures" section was terrifying in places, actually: all those fierce masks that were built to scare. I avoided the stuffed bird section (I always do in these places), because then I definitely wouldn't have been able to sleep tonight. The stuffed toucan head in PC was bad enough, and quite a shock it gave me too.
Ancient Egyptian sections are always also rather eery. At once, I'm both intensely fascinated yet slightly freaked out by the displays. I can stand and look at mummies and mummified body parts for ages, but if you look for too long, your mind starts playing games with itself and you can see stuff move and you go mad and run away screaming and the museum staff think you're nuts and you get freaked out by the display of the giant squid and scream and run some more and it all spirals out of control, especially when you run into the whale/shark/dolphin/porpoise section by accident and into the jaws of a fake shark. Not really. But it could happen - you know what I'm like.
I really liked the opalised fossils, though. Aw, pretty.
The largest section of the museum is dedicated to the Aboriginal culture, though. They didn't have much artwork - nothing as extensive as the NGV Australia in Melbourne - but I expect that that will all be in the art gallery next door. It was interesting learning about their way of life, and how it basically all got wiped out when the Europeans turned up from the 1830s onwards. As I was saying in an e-mail to Miranda just now, the Aborigines believe that the world was created during a period called the Dreaming. Because everything's constantly changing and evolving, they believe that the Dreaming is still going on. I agree with them. Every day feels like a dream, and it feels great.
"Everybody's changing and vuhvuhvuhvuh self-pity self-pity" or however that song goes. Apparently, Keane are more famous here than FF. That's so bloody wrong. Keane write good songs, but they don't write good pop songs. Their choruses have far too many lyrics. I like nice simple lyrics, like:
Good evening this evening.
I went to the South Australian Musuem today, and predictably, they claimed to have the oldest of something-or-other, I think it was some Pacific artifact or similar. The "Pacific Cultures" section was terrifying in places, actually: all those fierce masks that were built to scare. I avoided the stuffed bird section (I always do in these places), because then I definitely wouldn't have been able to sleep tonight. The stuffed toucan head in PC was bad enough, and quite a shock it gave me too.
Ancient Egyptian sections are always also rather eery. At once, I'm both intensely fascinated yet slightly freaked out by the displays. I can stand and look at mummies and mummified body parts for ages, but if you look for too long, your mind starts playing games with itself and you can see stuff move and you go mad and run away screaming and the museum staff think you're nuts and you get freaked out by the display of the giant squid and scream and run some more and it all spirals out of control, especially when you run into the whale/shark/dolphin/porpoise section by accident and into the jaws of a fake shark. Not really. But it could happen - you know what I'm like.
I really liked the opalised fossils, though. Aw, pretty.
The largest section of the museum is dedicated to the Aboriginal culture, though. They didn't have much artwork - nothing as extensive as the NGV Australia in Melbourne - but I expect that that will all be in the art gallery next door. It was interesting learning about their way of life, and how it basically all got wiped out when the Europeans turned up from the 1830s onwards. As I was saying in an e-mail to Miranda just now, the Aborigines believe that the world was created during a period called the Dreaming. Because everything's constantly changing and evolving, they believe that the Dreaming is still going on. I agree with them. Every day feels like a dream, and it feels great.
"Everybody's changing and vuhvuhvuhvuh self-pity self-pity" or however that song goes. Apparently, Keane are more famous here than FF. That's so bloody wrong. Keane write good songs, but they don't write good pop songs. Their choruses have far too many lyrics. I like nice simple lyrics, like:
- "She loves you/Yeah yeah yeah/She loves you/Yeah yeah yeah..."
- "I predict a riot/I predict a riot..."
- "Going down to talk to the cows/Going down to talk to the cows..."
I think I have to type up Blake's assignment. Wank. Serves me right for typing so quickly.