Friday, May 27, 2005


Episode III

Soundtrack: "Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" by the Beatles

Good morning this morning.

I finally went to see Episode III last night, and my God, did I enjoy myself. I'm not a Jack or Toby or Stephen or Miranda who sits there and picks things apart - I metamorphosise into a small child whenever I go and see a Star Wars film at the cinema. This is probably because my mum took my brother and I to see all the original films when they were reissued, and I must have been around 10 or 11. Every time "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." comes up, followed by Evil John Williams' fanfare and the Star Wars logo, a sense of excitement and anticipation wells up in me, and the anticipation builds and builds until the final climax and then it's so totally worth it and I leave the cinema extremely happy, thinking: "By God, that was great," even when it wasn't.

Actually, I'm lying here. I only had that for III, IV, V and VI. I was shite, and it was so shite that I didn't even go to see II at the cinema - I watched it on pirate VCD from Malaysia. Speaking of which, my dad said that pirate copies of III appeared in China within one day of the premier. So much for simultaneous release, huh? Apparently all the pirate copies in Malaysia were seized, so dad's going to have to wait a little longer to watch it, I feel.

It was the Boy's birthday yesterday, and he had "Happy Birthday To You" sung to him from three different continents, the lucky thing. I sang from Adelaide down the home phone, Dad sang from Sibu down his mobile, and Mum sang in the kitchen. Another of my father's well-thought-out plans.

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