Saturday, May 28, 2005



Soundtrack: Test Match Special, BBC Sport Player Online

Good evening this evening.

Looks as if England are going to finish this one off quickly.

Aunty Wendy drove me out to Hahndorf today, a German town east of Adelaide. It was founded by a bunch of Germans who were persecuted for their religion back home, and they named it after the captain of their ship. Modern-day Hahndorf has been kept all German for the tourists - there are guys in lederhosen standing outside the pubs etc etc. There were loads of places to choose from for lunch, but I insisted that we eat at the only place with a German name: Hahndorf Kaffeehaus. Incidentally, lunch was delicious.

In the afternoon, we drove up northwards through the South Australian countryside to see the world's largest rocking horse. I'm still not sure whether it was worth it or not. The drive was good, though - the sky was overcast, and lent the landscape a wonderfully dramatic feel. Sunshine never has any of that. As we were further up north, it was slightly colder, and a greater proportion of leaves had fallen off the trees. I realised that I'd experience two autumns this year, which is good, because autumn is my favourite season. Autumn always has a sense of momentum that none of the other seasons do, and the colours are so vibrant and vivid.

You'd have thought that summer would be my favourite season because of the cricket. I'm full of anomalies.

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