Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Melbourne: Day Three

Soundtrack: ‘All Maps Welcome’ by Tom McRae. Hey, it’s new and I still can’t resist its sublime pull. And because it’s mostly recorded live, it just sounds so great because of its spontaneous, organic feel.

It’s Reading Week at Swinburne, where Andy and Stephanie are at uni, but they still had to go in to work on their group projects. Okay, it’s not called that here; it’s something like Supervision Week, I think. But anyway, that’s how I ended up in a computer room there.

We went to the aquarium when they were done, because Stephanie has been dying to go for ages and just needed an excuse. Melbourne Aquarium was a fairly different experience to Portsmouth (which I went to on my [19th] birthday), mainly because all the crazy creatures are from the Southern Ocean. And there are big big sharks and big big rays, and seahorses and seadragons. Lovely.
I’m actively trying not to go up at the end of every sentence when I speak. It’s going to be difficult. I reckon that the beset tactic will be just to make my accent posher and posher as this holiday goes on, until when I get to uni, everybody will think that I like cricket because I’m the daughter of a lord who married a Malaysian woman, and I went to a superbly exclusive public school for young ladies. “Yes, Daddy bought me a pony when I was only two-and-a-half, dontchaknow…”

Bytheway, for anybody who's reading/wondering, all these posts are so close together in time because I typed them all up offline first, then pasted them in. Selina only has dial-up here, and I didn't want to tie up her phone line.

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