Friday, May 27, 2005


My Restaurant Rules/Your Restaurant Sucks

Soundtrack: "The Look of Love (Disc One)," music by Burt Bacharach

Good evening this evening.

There's this "reality" programme that they have over here called "My Restaurant Rules." As far as I can gather, they give a couple in every major city (i.e. Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth - so the Ashes, then) a shell of a building and some money and then ask them to start a restaurant. They then film all the trials and tribulations and broadcast it every week for a few months. The Greedy Goose, the Adelaide restaurant, has got into the final two, so we decided to go and queue up for a table tonight. However, once we'd queued for an hour (which I was totally up for, queuing's ace), they took our details and told us to come back in two hours.

Yeah right.

We had a rather lovely Indian meal instead.

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