Monday, May 23, 2005
Only in the Wonderful World of Steph...
Soundtrack: "A Night At The Opera" by Queen
Good evening this evening.
Yesterday, Elaine and I went to Adelaide Gaol, which stopped being used as a prison in 1988, and is now open to the public. It was two-dollar day, so the place was full of chavs, which they call "bogans" over here. Elaine said that she'd been to a bogan party before, and I think it's an absolutely hilarious idea. Let's all have a chav party. We could wear Burberry baseball caps and tracksuits and cropped tops and drink cider. I think I'd have to recover from it by having a suitably vamped-up Alias party, though.
So anyway, the gaol, huh? The atmosphere was oppressive, despite being full of noisy chavs. They hung around 40 people inside the walls of the compound, and though I was probably imagining it, I could feel the death in the air still. Uncomfortably, but strangely compelling too. The place hasn't been maintained that well, and all the old cells and buildings were a bit shabby and covered in birdshit etc etc, which just added to the eeriness. Added to that, people kept on randomly ringing the big bell in the yard, which kept on making me think that another person had been executed or something. I still wish Selina had let me go to Melbourne Gaol to see where Ned Kelly was hung, though.
It rained this morning. One minute, I was eating breakfast and watching shitting American soaps with Blake, the next, I was out the door, because I wanted to make the most of the rain. It stopped pretty quickly, though. I didn't think that it would be over so soon, so I'd decided to go to the seaside while it was still raining. The people who are reading this who know me really well will be able to understand, I think. Just about. Perhaps. I'm still up for a Norway Reunion (or Elgar Meetup, whatever they've evolved into) at the beach on Boxing Day.
I took the tram to the beach. It's the last functioning tram in South Australia. By the time I'd got to the sea, the sun had come out, and I don't know how, but the sea was looking purple underneath the receding grey clouds. Spectacularly dramatic.
There's not much to do in Glenelg. I went to the museum for a bit, but I didn't have the patience to stay for long because I think I'm nearly all museumed out for the time being. But anyway, I learnt that South Australia is the only colony that wasn't founded on convicts, so I can't use that to make fun of people here. Even though they're a bunch of alcoholic, obese smokers who are going to die from skin cancer or lung cancer or throat cancer or emphysema or liver cirrhosis etc etc.
I did, however, walk beside the sea in the midday heat. It was gorgeous, with the waves crashing around me and the sun sleepily shining in the sky.
Good evening this evening.
Yesterday, Elaine and I went to Adelaide Gaol, which stopped being used as a prison in 1988, and is now open to the public. It was two-dollar day, so the place was full of chavs, which they call "bogans" over here. Elaine said that she'd been to a bogan party before, and I think it's an absolutely hilarious idea. Let's all have a chav party. We could wear Burberry baseball caps and tracksuits and cropped tops and drink cider. I think I'd have to recover from it by having a suitably vamped-up Alias party, though.
So anyway, the gaol, huh? The atmosphere was oppressive, despite being full of noisy chavs. They hung around 40 people inside the walls of the compound, and though I was probably imagining it, I could feel the death in the air still. Uncomfortably, but strangely compelling too. The place hasn't been maintained that well, and all the old cells and buildings were a bit shabby and covered in birdshit etc etc, which just added to the eeriness. Added to that, people kept on randomly ringing the big bell in the yard, which kept on making me think that another person had been executed or something. I still wish Selina had let me go to Melbourne Gaol to see where Ned Kelly was hung, though.
It rained this morning. One minute, I was eating breakfast and watching shitting American soaps with Blake, the next, I was out the door, because I wanted to make the most of the rain. It stopped pretty quickly, though. I didn't think that it would be over so soon, so I'd decided to go to the seaside while it was still raining. The people who are reading this who know me really well will be able to understand, I think. Just about. Perhaps. I'm still up for a Norway Reunion (or Elgar Meetup, whatever they've evolved into) at the beach on Boxing Day.
I took the tram to the beach. It's the last functioning tram in South Australia. By the time I'd got to the sea, the sun had come out, and I don't know how, but the sea was looking purple underneath the receding grey clouds. Spectacularly dramatic.
There's not much to do in Glenelg. I went to the museum for a bit, but I didn't have the patience to stay for long because I think I'm nearly all museumed out for the time being. But anyway, I learnt that South Australia is the only colony that wasn't founded on convicts, so I can't use that to make fun of people here. Even though they're a bunch of alcoholic, obese smokers who are going to die from skin cancer or lung cancer or throat cancer or emphysema or liver cirrhosis etc etc.
I did, however, walk beside the sea in the midday heat. It was gorgeous, with the waves crashing around me and the sun sleepily shining in the sky.
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Ok, this bears little or no relation to anything Steph has said but there's a vague possibility that people may read it,but
I've been trying to login to TE *all day*, dammit why won't it let me's my last exam tomorrow there's not long left to get proper procrastination in......'s a bloody conspiracy.....might have to do some actual work.....
ok rant over, normal service will be resumed shortly
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I've been trying to login to TE *all day*, dammit why won't it let me's my last exam tomorrow there's not long left to get proper procrastination in......'s a bloody conspiracy.....might have to do some actual work.....
ok rant over, normal service will be resumed shortly
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