Thursday, June 30, 2005


Jacob's Creek, innit

Soundtrack: "The Cat Empire" by The Cat Empire. Contains "The Wine Song."

Good evening this evening for the last time tonight.

When I've told people how long I've been in Adelaide, they've always asked whether I'd been up to the Barossa. And I hadn't until today. Aunty Wendy took the day off work and we drove up to the Barossa Valley, where they grow all the nice wines. It being winter here, everything was brown and dead-looking, but that's okay - it's still pretty there. One vineyard's very much like the next, though.

I made Aunty Wendy take us to Jacob's Creek, though, just to say that I'd been there. I had a lovely steak lunch with their cab sav, which I thoroughly enjoyed. And then I thought of Father Jack, and laughed a little. And looked at the vines. And didn't do any wine tasting, because it would be wasted on me, really. And that was it, and we headed for the Whispering Wall.

The Whispering Wall is the dry side of the dam holding all the water into the Barossa Reservoir. I stood at one end and Aunty Wendy stood at the other, and when you whisper, the other person can hear everything clear as a bell. It's something to do with the crazy acoustics of the place, and very good fun. I think that it would be more fun with other people there, though, so you could just spout random nonsense and confuse the hell out of them.

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