Monday, June 06, 2005


X & Y

Soundtrack: "X & Y" by Coldplay

Well, I'm on my second listen right now, which means I've only listened to the whole thing once. I have a ritual for every time I listen to a new CD or record. I put the CD/record into the player and put on the music with the balance neutral - no bass turned up, the left and right speakers equal. I make sure nobody's going to disturb me. [This time I ensured it by listening on my discman. Plus, the sound has a better quality through the earphones. For example, I didn't even notice the synth part to "Matinee" by FF until I listened to it for the first time through earphones. I digress.] I read the sleevenotes as I listen, and I hold the case up to the light to check there aren't any secret oddities hidden behind the CD. That's why I'm not really into downloading music - I like something tangible as evidence, and I love sleevenotes.

Onto the album itself, then. Overall, it's a lot airier than the previous two albums, and there's a lot more space. A lot like "Heaven Up Here" by the Bunnymen, in fact, and a lot of the rhythm parts are inspired by that album. This is most evident in the bass and drum parts, but also in some of the guitar parts. Lots of the guitar parts are reminiscent of "The Bends" album by Radiohead. The record is a lot more synth driven, with lots of Pink Floyd soundscapes, but they don't get out of control, which is a relief. There is more use of vocal harmony, which sounds wonderful on the hymnal songs. And I think that the band have moved on a fair bit - they've got rid of all the overly twee and cutesy stuff that used to plague them, basically because they've practically phased out those acoustic ballads like "Sparks" and "Green Eyes."

Track-by-track breakdown:

Final verdict: Unknown. I really really like this album, but I need a few more listens to figure out whether it's actually any good or not. Some of the lyrics are a bit dodgy, but aren't they always with Chris Martin? I'm a big fan of the instrumentation, though, and though there aren't any stonking great choruses on this album, and there aren't any "Yellow"s or "The Scientist"s, melodically it's very much up to scratch.

I sat on Euston station on Saturday evening, gazing up at the News 24 screen to see if I could find out what was going on in the cricket. I was advertised X & Y for ten minutes. I left for the Midlands unimpressed.

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